Mines and Warden

From JailBreakMC
Revision as of 04:37, 12 March 2024 by Ivary (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Mines and Warden You can access all mines using /warps, /warp mine (to go to current mine), or /warp a,b,c,d,e,f,p to go to a certain mine. And you can access the warden using /rankup. The mines NPCs are used to go to specific mines, from A ward to F ward. The P mine ward is found at F mine. The warden NPC is used to rankup.")
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Mines and Warden You can access all mines using /warps, /warp mine (to go to current mine), or /warp a,b,c,d,e,f,p to go to a certain mine. And you can access the warden using /rankup.

The mines NPCs are used to go to specific mines, from A ward to F ward. The P mine ward is found at F mine.

The warden NPC is used to rankup.