
From JailBreakMC
Revision as of 04:50, 12 March 2024 by Ivary (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Currency The main currency the server is using is $, currency is gained by selling mined materials at mine shops or at spawn, you can also buy/sell things from/to players at their cell or at yours using cell shops. You can check the currency you have by doing /bal or looking on the featherboard that’s shown on the right hand side of your game. You can also pay people your balance using /pay [playername] (amount) This is what it looks like if someone pays you money.")
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Currency The main currency the server is using is $, currency is gained by selling mined materials at mine shops or at spawn, you can also buy/sell things from/to players at their cell or at yours using cell shops. You can check the currency you have by doing /bal or looking on the featherboard that’s shown on the right hand side of your game. You can also pay people your balance using /pay [playername] (amount)

This is what it looks like if someone pays you money.