Name Tags

From JailBreakMC
Revision as of 05:21, 12 March 2024 by Ivary (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Name Tags You can also buy name tags. Every name tag costs 4.99 USD. To access your name tags simply do /nametag and it will open a gui shown below. Once you select a name tag it will appear above your skin next to your name to other players as shown below. Here’s a list of name tags you can buy on the server store.")
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Name Tags You can also buy name tags.

Every name tag costs 4.99 USD.

To access your name tags simply do /nametag and it will open a gui shown below.

Once you select a name tag it will appear above your skin next to your name to other players as shown below.

Here’s a list of name tags you can buy on the server store.