Mine Abilities

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Mine abilities To use an ability you need to right + left click in the mine. It will open a gui that looks like this:

You can then click on an ability you want to use and left click when you exit the gui. Abilities can only be used in mines.

The first ability is called Nuke. You unlock it at mining level 5. It fires a fireball that explodes in a medium radius breaking all the blocks where it exploded. It has a 10 minute cooldown. (Nuke level 2 is unlocked at mining level 22; It has a larger radius and will break more blocks)

The second ability is called Lightning in a bottle you unlock it at mining level 10. Upon using it, it shoots an arrow and where the arrow lands strikes a lightning breaking all the blocks above it. It has a 15 minutes cooldown. (Lightning in a bottle level 2 is unlocked at mining level 27; it has a wider break radius)

The third ability is called Chickenator. You unlock it at mining level 15. When you use this ability all the blocks you break spawn chickens for the next 10 seconds, the chickens stay for 20 seconds and killing them gives good loot. It has a 5 minute cooldown. (Chickenator level 2 is unlocked at mining level 32; It will spawn more chicken with lower health allowing them to be killed faster and spawning more)

The fourth ability is called Minions. You unlock it at mining level 20. This ability spawns an iron golem that mines for you for 50 seconds. It has a 25 minute cooldown. (Minions level 2 is unlocked at mining level 37; It will spawn 3 minions and they will mine faster and target more valuable blocks)

The Fifth ability is called Emerald Grenade. You unlock it at mining level 25. This ability turns all surrounding blocks into random blocks. It has a 45 minute cooldown. (Emerald Grenade level 2 is unlocked at mining level 40; It has a double “pull” radius)

The Sixth ability is called Tornado. You unlock it at level 30. It spawns a tornado for 15 seconds that sucks in random blocks and after its done a chest will appear and it will contain the items you saw flying in the tornado. It has a 1 hour cooldown. (Tornado level 2 is unlocked at mining level 45; It leaves out the ores as a possibility in the chest and only includes minerals in their block form. Total blocks is also increased)

The Seventh and the final ability is called Dragon Storm. You unlock it at level 35. After you use the ability an ender dragon will spawn who will attack the mine for you for 10 seconds! Cooldown: 4 hours (Dragon storm level 2 is unlocked at mining level 50; It lasts twice as long with a 25% reduction in warm-up time)